Oh Hey There!

My name is Christian, and I am the owner of 3 beautiful central bearded dragons!
Whilst they are awesome, they are 3 little bottomless pits that can be rather expensive to feed.
So, I set out to try breed my own crickets to cut the cost!

What I found was a little dissatisfying

I wanted something quick, that was going to get me set up.
But after shopping around I found nothing. I found some DIY options but I was a little hesitant.
Many used self sourced, oversized heating elements with no thermal protection as their incubator.
Like cooking your toast with a bonfire, there had to be a more efficient way.

Enter Our Cricket Breeding Kit

It has an appropriately sized, temperature controlled heating element, that's adjusted for cricket breeding.
With the necessary accessories to get you started on your journey to self sufficiency.
Compact, easy to set up and uses less power than your average phone charger.